It seems that the term role model has become a bad word. “Parents shouldn’t expect teachers to be role models.” “Your child should not look up to celebrities as role models”. “I am not a role model”. These are all phrases that I have been hearing more and more, but I still believe in role models. Here’s the thing. We have to understand that no one is perfect, and human beings are complicated. You will never be inspired by 100% of any one person’s actions or character traits. We are all flawed. We all make mistakes. A role model is not someone who you should seek to become, but someone whose experiences and accomplishments can serve as direction and inspiration for you. We should understand this, and make sure that our children understand this. Why are people so resistant to being role models? It’s a lofty title to hold. It takes a special person to willingly offer direction to someone else. It’s noble. Some are hesitant to offer themselves as role models because, frankly, they don’t feel worthy. It’s great to be honest about your limitations, but we shouldn’t be so hard on ourselves. You may be in a situation where you’re still figuring out one area of life, but you may have had an accomplishment that can be that beacon of hope for someone else. Role models don’t have it all figured out. No one does. I am inspired by many people, some famous, some not so famous. Do they have flaws? Yes, but it’s their ability to achieve despite obstacles that I am inspired by. Here are a few of my role models. What are your thoughts on role models? Are you ok with being a role model? I look forward to your comments.
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1/18/2016 08:31:56 am
I really love this post and how you talked about different women who served as an inspiration to you by being role models. I personally do not think that there is anything wrong with the word and as a teacher I have to think about my actions and the way I carry myself in front of my students. I hope I can pass on the things I have learned in life to them and inspire them to be great!
1/18/2016 10:51:59 pm
I guess it depends on who it is I am to be a role modle for. For my nieces and nephews, children of my friend, people who actually get a chance to know me thatn yes, yes, yes. I want to be a role model. For someone who is in a similar situation as I was or am, also yes.
1/19/2016 11:07:04 am
I think the problem is far too often that our "role models" let people down. We forget they're human. We forget they make mistakes.
1/19/2016 07:02:08 pm
Great post! I love the idea of having role models. Had it not been for our moms, grandmothers and other giants who have broken ceilings and inspired us along the way, there would b no us.
Role Models are great. People keep saying your parents can be your role model but how? Sometimes your parents are a good example but no career wise or lifestyle wise...there are other people you can look up to as well and its nothing wrong with that. Sometimes your parents are just your parents as a kid and even get better inspiration from someone else...a role model is a good thing!
1/23/2016 03:29:58 pm
Thanks for putting it all into perspective and helping people to believe that it's ok to be a role model even if you don't have it all together.
9/14/2016 12:11:04 pm
For me, I try to find characteristics about those u find to a higher esteem while still maintaining my identity. As an educator, I have had to accept that my kids are sponges and look at me as a role model when in actuality that frightens me. It's a part of life though and I've grown to accept it.
9/14/2016 11:35:32 pm
It really helps to look at others to see what the possibilities could be. It's like seeing President Obama and a black man finally believing that he too can really become president. It can change one's mindset and encourage them to dream big and reach new heights when we see others paving the way.
I think role models are great, but the problem is people forget they are human. Kids look up to certain pro players. IMO, there's nothing wrong with that, but others crucify the player when their actions aren't "acceptable". They are human just like you and I.
9/15/2016 12:20:08 pm
I think its ok to have a role model. I do believe that we have to remember that everyone is human and makes mistakes, so you cant put a role model on a platform and thin they can do know wrong. I guess i can understand where some people are coming from because some people have role models that are necessarily good role models.
I think role models are great and vital to becoming who we are destined to me. The problem happens when young children and adults model their behaviors after those who are setting bad examples. Being a role model is alot of responsibility, which is why some may be hesitant to wear that badge, and I think that we need to outwardly recognize those who both proudly call themselves "role model" and those who quietly lead and direct.
9/15/2016 11:37:46 pm
I didn't know that there was any push back on the whole idea of a role model. I definitely think they have their place in life. I think the problem comes in when we idolize these role models. Idolizing only sets ourselves up for disappointment because we are all flawed human beings, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't aspire to do and be better.
9/16/2016 11:53:13 am
There's nothing wrong with having role models to look up to. Even more important than role models are having good mentors in your life. I think a lot of celebs don't want that responsibility but it's a fact that people will look up to you once you're in the public eye.
9/17/2016 11:14:15 am
It'a unfortunate the youth today have very few role models to look up too. Growing up we had so many idols and legends
9/17/2016 04:41:49 pm
I think we are all human and we need to learn to stop putting people on a pedestal.
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AuthorThe creator of Truly Charmed, Antoinette Cain, delights in all things fashion, all things fostering empowerment, and all things that inspire ambition. Antoinette started this fashion and lifestyle blog to celebrate those who are living their Charmed Lives and to empower those who haven't yet realized that life may be imperfect, but in every day there is a Charmed moment. Archives
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